Textüberblick - geordnet nach Autoren - K - L
Kanbur, Ravi - The
Strange Case of The Washington Consensus: A Brief Note on John Williamson's
1999 (7.1)
Khor, Martin - Globalization
and the South: Some critical issues 2000 (10)
Klimenta, Harald / Giegold, Sven - Foliensatz
- Globalisierte Finanzmärkte - Texte 2002 (folien)
Klimenta, Harald / Giegold, Sven - Foliensatz
- Globalisierte Finanzmärkte - Grafiken 2002 (folien)
Koehler, Martin - FfD Update
- Taking the political temperature 2003 (5
/ 10)
Kose, M. A. / IMF / Prasad, E. / Rogoff, K. / Wei, S. - J. - Effects
of Financial Globalization on Developing Countries: Some
Empirical Evidence 2003 (10)
Kregel, Jan - Recent
Instability in Financial Markets and the Implications for Developing
Countries 2003 (8 / 10)
Kreile, Michael - Deutschland
und die Reform der internationalen Finanzarchitektur 2000 (11)
Krugman, Paul - What happened
to Asia 1998 (2.7 / 8.2)
Krugman, Paul - Analytical
afterthoughts on the asian crises 2002 (2.7
/ 8.2)
Krugman, Paul - Currency
crisis 2002 (8.4)
Krugman, Paul - The
fall and rise of development economics 2002 (10)
Krugman, Paul - I know
what the hedges did last summer 2002 (6.1)
Krugman, Paul - Latin
america´s swan song 2002 (8.2)
Krugman, Paul - Balance
sheets, the transfer problem and financial crises 1999 (8)
Lipke, Isabel - Keine Stabilisierung
durch Liberalisierung. Was das Finanzdienstleistungsabkommen (GATS)
Süden abverlangt 2003 (5.8)
Letter of international NGO's - concerning
the Financing for Development (FFD) 2003 (10)